问题一:商城首页报错 Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\cls_template.php on line 422
解决方法:找到提示错误的文件 cls_template.php 及行号 把 $tag_sel = array_shift(explode(' ', $tag));
改成: $tag_arr = explode(' ', $tag); $tag_sel = array_shift($tag_arr);
5.3以上版本的问题,应该也和配置有关,只要406行把这一句拆成两句就没有问题了,因为array_shift的参数是引用传递的,5.3以上默认只能传递具体的变量,而不能通过函数返回值 并且删除 D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\temp\caches下所有的文件
问题二:后台首页报错 Strict Standards: Non-static method cls_image::gd_version() should not be called statically in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\lib_base.php on line 346
解决办法 找到D:\wamp\www\ecshop\includes\cls_image.php文件 方法一:搜索:return cls_image::gd_version(); 修改为:
$cls_image = new cls_image(); return $cls_image->gd_version();
方法二:搜索 function gd_version 改成 static function gd_version
问题三:后台-商店设置 Strict Standards: mktime(): You should be using the time() function instead in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\admin\sms_url.php on line 31 Strict Standards: mktime(): You should be using the time() function instead in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\admin\shop_config.php on line 32
解决办法: 根据错误提示 把 mktime() 改成 time()
PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class balance in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\balance.php on line 79 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class cappay in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\cappay.php on line 81 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class chinabank in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\chinabank.php on line 85 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class cod in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\cod.php on line 82 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class ips in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\ips.php on line 82 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class kuaiqian in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\kuaiqian.php on line 83 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class paypal in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\paypal.php on line 82 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class paypal_ec in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\paypal_ec.php on line 96 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class post in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\post.php on line 79 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class shenzhou in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\shenzhou.php on line 81 PHP Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class tenpayc2c in D:\wamp\piaoyun.cc\ecshop\includes\modules\payment\tenpayc2c.php on line 83
解决办法: 如alipay.php 将
function __construct() { $this->alipay(); }
function alipay() { }