- 1、Centos上自带的KDE桌面,被我不小心弄得乱七八糟,请问如何将其初始化回到最开始的样子
- 2、centos mysql 怎么初始化
- 3、centos7 安装mysql时怎么对表进行初始化
- 4、centos6.5怎么初始化命令
2、centos mysql 怎么初始化
$ mysql_install_db --help 可以查看帮助信息如下
Usage: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_install_db [OPTIONS]
--basedir=path The path to the MySQL installation directory.
--cross-bootstrap For internal use. Used when building the MySQL system
tables on a different host than the target.
--datadir=path The path to the MySQL data directory.
--force Causes mysql_install_db to run even if DNS does not
work. In that case, grant table entries that normally
use hostnames will use IP addresses.
--ldata=path The path to the MySQL data directory.
--rpm For internal use. This option is used by RPM files
during the MySQL installation process.
--skip-name-resolve Use IP addresses rather than hostnames when creating
grant table entries. This option can be useful if
your DNS does not work.
--srcdir=path For internal use. The directory under which
mysql_install_db looks for support files such as the
error message file and the file for popoulating the
help tables.
--user=user_name The login username to use for running mysqld. Files
and directories created by mysqld will be owned by this
user. You must be root to use this option. By default
mysqld runs using your current login name and files and
directories that it creates will be owned by you.
3、centos7 安装mysql时怎么对表进行初始化
对于源代码编译安装或者通过二进制包直接拷贝安装的mysql,默认并没有mysqld这个启动脚本。可以在源码包或者拷贝的二进制包的support files目录中拷贝mysql.server文件为/etc/init.d/mysqld,然后就可以通过service脚本管理服务了。
进入系统后,按Ctrl+Alt+Fn可以切换控制台,其中F1~F6是字符控制台,F7~F12是X控制台 如果启动直接进入字符控制台,而不是X Window,可以编辑/etc/inittab 将 id:5:initdefault: 修改为 id:3:initdefault: 下次重启就不启动X Window了
关于centos怎么初始化和centos系统初始化的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。